26 Weeks

How far along? 26 weeks Total weight gain: 18 lbs Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity clothes. Stretch marks? No Sleep: Some nights are great and others are a little rough because of back and hip pain. I know this is just the beginning of the next 3 months. Best moment this week: Feeling some MAJOR kicks! They get stronger every week and I'm loving it (until he or she starts karate chopping me in the ribs). Miss Anything? I'm missing Jimmy John's again:(. I'm also missing my normal feet. They swell and get tired very easily. It's a little annoying. Food cravings: See picture above! Nothing new! Anything making you queasy or sick: Yucky looking lettuce! Labor Signs: No Symptoms: Still just a little back and hip pain. Belly Button in or out? Out and ugly! Wedding rings on or off? On Happy or Moody most of the time: So flipping happy!...