21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks Total weight gain: 11 lbs Maternity clothes? Still just bella bands and some maternity shirts. Stretch marks? Not yet! Sleep: Great most of the time. Best moment this week: Hearing everything is looking good at the doctor. Everything on the ultrasound came back normal! It was music to my ears! Miss Anything? Actually nothing this week. Food cravings: Fruit, chocolate ice cream and M&M's! I've never wanted sweets so bad! Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing. Labor Signs: No and I can't imagine saying yes to this question....yikes! Symptoms: A little back pain every now and again. Belly Button in or out? I'm going to call it flat.... Wedding rings on or off? On Happy or Moody most of the time: So HAPPY! Looking forward to: Getting carpet installed into the nursery, ordering furniture and Steve feeling the baby kick!